Local Chapters

One of Idaho’s unique characteristics is the independent nature of our citizens. This makes us strong and self-reliant with a “can-do” attitude. Sometimes we forget the benefits of pooling resources and working together. As tax professionals we cannot afford to be reclusive. Tax law is always evolving and new federal registration requirements must be met. We can all profit from the volume of information and experience each of us possess. Are you ready to help develop your own local chapter?

The easy way to “feel” the waters and encourage membership is to host a free-of-charge roundtable discussion during the tax season or perhaps a potluck/roundtable discussion in the offseason. Preparation and commitment are minimal. You need to arrange for a facilitator (perhaps yourself?), a free venue and a date 4 -6 weeks in advance. We will work closely with you to advertise the event and provide you with guidelines to make it successful. A few simple rules will need to be followed to assure the education qualifies for as many purposes as possible.


Are an opportunity to get help with a client’s situation, gain a new perspective, a chance to share knowledge, or be guided to a source to find the specific answer.

Are not a guarantee to finding a definitive answer.

A formal seminar with one or more instructors is more ambitious, but very rewarding. Preparation for this type of event should begin at least 3 months in advance. There are numerous free resources available in your community. Many attorneys would like to share their knowledge with practitioners who potentially will send clients their way. Some practitioners have specialized practices and may also be looking for more exposure and potential referrals. There may be budding tax instructors in your community who need some practice. Or, perhaps, there is a professional speaker you feel could benefit the group. The fee charged for a seminar is based on the anticipated costs and the number of prospective participants. Free instructors and venues make affordable education possible for smaller groups.

Interested? Call or email the IATC office for more information.